指导单位 中华全国工商业联合会

主办单位 全联房地产商会

承办单位 全联房地产商会酒店投资商会

执行承办 中国饭店杂志社

Supervised by ALL-China Federation of Industry & Commerce

Organized by China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce

Jointly Organized by The Hotel Investors Association of CRECC
The Financial Committee of CRECC
China Hotel Celebrity Club
Beijing Hospitality Institute of Beijing International Studies University
Harvard University
University of Cambridge
Ecole hotelière de Lausanne (EHL)
Universite du Vin

Executed by China Hotel Magazine

Invitation Letter


本次英国和法国游学行程,我们将到剑桥大学、牛津大学、英国管家学院、法国波尔多葡萄酒学院等世界名校学习;深度考察劳斯莱斯汽车总部、汇丰银行总部等世界名企;和伦敦市长会晤,并访问伦敦商会,与国际著名投行、基金管理者及持有人、当地杰出企业家深度交流,构建国际高端人脉圈,推动并实现跨国项目的合作;到久负盛名的伦敦丽兹酒店(创办于1906年的伦敦丽思卡尔顿酒店)体验、法国波尔多城堡酒店米其林顶级餐厅及玛歌/ 拉菲/ 拉图等十大葡萄酒名庄品鉴;同时,还有“全商联高尔夫世界巡回友谊赛(法国站/英国站)”、泰晤士河“游艇派对”等特色活动,当然也少不了当地地标景点的观光,寓游于学,“游”“学”两不误。 和世界同行,与时代同步!


中国企业家EMBA全球游学系列课程,每期学制两年,游学形式,每两个季度上课一次,每次集中到全球著名高校及当地具有代表性的企业深度学习考察12-15天,并由相关学校颁发学习证书。第一站前往英国、法国,游学时间:2014年10月18-30日;第二站前往德国、瑞士,游学时间:2015 年6 月;第三站前往美国,游学时间:2015 年10 月;第四站前往迪拜、新加坡,游学时间:2016年5月。学员错过当季的课程,可申请参加下一期游学班的相应课程,不设年限限制。




Distinguished Guests:

CRECC Cambridge Summit & Overseas Study Tour to the UK and France will be grandly launched on 18th October, 2014. This tour gathers the elites from finance,hotels, catering and real-estate industry.

During the overseas study in the UK and France, we will visit the Oxford University, Cambridge University, London Business School, British Butler Institute, Universite du Vin, meanwhile we will visit the headquarters of Rolls Royce and HSBC. We will also arrange meetings with local chambers of commerce and Mayor of London. This is also a great chance for you to make friends with people from famous international investment banks, funds, and successful local enterprises. In order to enrich the social activities during the overseas study, we will visit the Ritz London, Michelin-starred restaurants and top wineries. Besides, we will also hold our ABUC Worldwide Golf Tournament.

Let us keep up the pace with the world and step forward with the age!

EMBA Overseas Study Courses for Chinese Entrepreneurs is based on the purpose of providing a better study chance for Chinese entrepreneurs while establishing a solid friendship with other entrepreneurs. We aim at “building a solid platform for business and information exchange,ridging investment and financing sections”, to forge a Chinese worldwide brand and a platform for entrepreneurs to share the worldwide market.

The overseas study courses last for two years, with a term of 12-15 day courses organized every two quarters in combination of sightseeing and observations to world famous enterprises. As the first term of the courses, the UK and France sector will be taken place on 18th – 30th October, 2014. The second term to Germany and Switzerland will be in June, 2015, while the third term to the USA will be organized in October, 2015, and the fourth to Dubai and Singapore will be in May,2016. Participants who miss the course can re-take the same course in next semester, without time limit.

One takes on the attributes of one's associates. If you are a successful entrepreneur or you will to be a successful entrepreneur, join us! Let us sail from outstanding to excellence.

Best Regards

The Organizing Committee
28th July, 2014